Evidence-Based HR

By focusing on business issues and providing a clear methodology for making better-informed decisions, Evidence-Based HR is essential for improving the effectiveness of the HR function.  In this course you will discover the meaning of Evidence-Based HR and how you can practically do Evidence-Based HR by applying the Evidence-Based HR process model to the work of your function.

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50 videos, 7 ınteractıve section, Addıtınal resources


About this Course

The purpose of Evidence-Based HR is to help HR practitioners and the HR function as a whole become more effective.  It does this by using the best available evidence from multiple sources and of multiple types to first understand the key issues facing the business and then to identify what HR can do to help the business resolve the issues identified.
In other words, Evidence-Based HR is a process which enables the function to make much better-informed answers to two fundamental questions:  What is the nature of the challenges faced by the business?  What can HR do to help the business meet those challenges.

Who Should Enrol?

This course is aimed at all HR practitioners who want to make better use of different types of data and evidence to understand the issues faced the business and identify solutions and interventions that are most likely to help resolve those issues.

Benefits of Enrolling

  • Judge for yourself the extent to which HR and your function is already evidence-based
  • Appreciate the three basic principles of Evidence-Based HR and how they lead to better-informed decision
  • Develop a sound understanding of the Evidence-Based HR process model and how it can be applied immediately to your and your function’s work
  • Understand the four main sources of evidence used in Evidence-Based HR (stakeholder perceptions, professional expertise, internal data [people analytics], external scientific evidence)
  • Describe the main barriers to making well-informed decisions in HR and identify ways in which they could be overcome
  • Envision how Evidence-Based HR practice can be developed in your function and the benefits it will bring
  • Recognise that the purpose of Evidence-Based HR is to make better-informed not perfect decisions
Course Director

Rob Briner

Rob Briner is Professor of Organisational Psychology at Queen Mary University of London. He previously held the same position at the School of Management, University of Bath and has also worked at Birkbeck College, University of London. His publishing and research have focused on several topics including well-being, emotions, stress, motivation and everyday work behaviour.
Patrick Jones - Course author